Building in Oxford
Course Information

Each student will take two classes on the program (no more & no less).  7 to 9 of the 11 courses from the list below will be offered depending upon student needs upon registration. Classes are for Florida Tech credit (not transfer credit), and offered for a grade only (no Pass/Fail or drop/withdraw option). 

  • HUM 2052 Civ 2 - Western Civilization- Renaissance to Modern
  • HUM 2213 - British & American Literature 2- Oxford authors such as C. S. Lewis & Tolkien will be included
  • HUM 2085 - Critical Approaches to Humanities: Religions of the World*
  • COM 2223 - Scientific & Technical Communication
  • COM 22249 - Business and Professional Writing
  • MTH 1002 -Calculus 2**
  • MTH 2001 - Calculus 3*
  • MTH 2201 - Differential Equations**
  • MTH 2401 - Probability and Statistics (this class is less likely to be taught. The 3 maths in Oxford are usually Calc 2, Calc 3, Diff Equ, but it depends on the group)
  • HUM 3343 - World War II in Film (Europe)

* HUM 2085 can be used as a Social Science or Humanities elective. It also counts for Cross Cultural Competency Certificate credit.

** These Math courses are four credit hour classes and have a supplemental tuition charge.

Oxford Course Details

  • Classes will be held from June 30–August 8, 2025.
  • Attendance is mandatory.
  • Courses are taught 3 to 5 days per week.  
  • Courses are taught by Oxford based professors.  
  • Drops are not permitted and courses are offered for a letter grade only (no Pass/Fail, no drops or withdrawals).
  • Classes are Florida Tech classes for Florida Tech credit- NOT transfer credit.
  • Some courses may require out-of-classroom events such as attending plays or museum visits.  You may need to pay for tickets/transport on some occasions.
  • Refer to the Florida Tech University Catalog for course prerequisites.
  • There is a 2.0 minimum GPA and good disciplinary record requirement to apply for the program.
  • Classes are mandatory and only 1 unexcused absence per class is permitted before your grade drops. Excused absences are only those with a doctor’s note and proof of a doctor’s visit. Plan your personal travels accordingly. Organized weekend/day trips do NOT conflict with classes.

All participants are subject to the Florida Tech Code of Conduct and Disciplinary System outlined in the Student Handbook. Any student who is a danger to him/herself, others, or the reputation of the program will be sent home at his/her own expense with no refunds.

Oxford details & application