
Research Involving Biohazardous Materials

In order to receive continuing support from the National Institute for Health (NIH), we are required to provide bio-safety review and oversight for research involving recombinant DNA.

When we receive NIH funding for research involving recombinant DNA molecules, we must follow the provisions set forth in the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH Guidelines).

Compliance with these guidelines is critical to insure the safe conduct of research and fulfillment of our institutional commitment to protect staff, the environment, and public health.

On behalf of Florida Institute of Technology, the principal investigator (PI) is responsible for compliance with all NIH regulations contained in the guidelines. The PI should first determine if their experiments are covered by the NIH guidelines or are exempt from them.

If the experiments are covered by the guidelines the PI should complete the Recombinant DNA Registration Form and comply with all guidelines and applicable campus policies and procedures.

Related Forms and Policies

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Registration Form

Related Links

NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines at the National Institute of Health


Dr. Kenia Nunes
Biosafety Chair
(321) 674-7134




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