High-tech visualization of a brain
Mentor Program


To ease your transition and your mind, the I/O psychology department at Florida Tech offers a student-run mentor program. This program allows us to get acquainted with each other before school gets underway and provide you with informal information concerning anything you may be interested in. We will be available to answer questions you might have regarding graduate school, Florida Tech, our program, the Melbourne area, or whatever else comes to mind.

Mentor Program Leader

Feel free to contact our Mentor Program leaders below with questions or just to say hi!

Pooja Das & Britton Peters

Student Mentors (

Florida Tech Mentor Social Network

Once you have decided to join the Florida Tech program, you will receive an invitation to our student run Mentor social network on Facebook (a private group). You will be able to communicate with current students about the program, Florida Tech, and Melbourne. Our Mentors have put together databases with information that you will find helpful in your transition to life at Florida Tech. In addition you will be able to connect with incoming classmates immediately. Many incoming students have found this early communication helpful in finding roommates, etc. 

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