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Relocation Allowance Policy

Applies to:

Original Policy Date:

Date of Last Review:

Approved By:

All Florida Tech Employees

August 2017

September 5, 2023

Dr. John Nicklow

Policy Title

Relocation Allowance Policy

Policy Owner: Office of Human Resources

Policy Purpose

When it is determined that newly employed faculty or staff require relocation to conduct the University’s activities, the University will take the position of utilizing a nonaccountable plan in accordance with IRS regulations, Publication 521.

Policy Scope

When Relocation Allowance is offered it must be included as a term of employment, and the approved amount must be documented in the hiring contract and on the Relocation Authorization Form. The maximum relocation allowance is $7,500. Relocation allowance will only be considered for a move of greater than 50 miles. 

Relocation Eligibility based on Mileage

51 – 500 miles Eligible for up to $3000

501 – 1000 miles Eligible for up to $4500

1001 – 1500 miles Eligible for up to $6000

1501+ miles Eligible for up to $7500


The University will provide the relocation allowance as taxable income to the employee on the payroll check following their start date, once approved documents are provided to the Office of Human Resources.

The relocation allowance has no restrictions placed on its use; no receipts should be provided to the University. The full amount provided is taxable income, and deductibility of qualified moving expenses incurred is the responsibility of the employee in completing their federal income tax forms.

Document Links Publication 521

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