Kalajian, Edward

Edward Kalajian
Emeritus Faculty | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Personal Overview
Registered Professional Engineer
Dr. Kalajian has over 40 years of academic experience. He currently serves as the associate dean for the College of Engineering. He teaches a graduate course in geotechnical engineering and an undergraduate courses in soil mechanics and foundations. He is a registered professional engineer (P.E.) in Florida with expertise in soil mechanics, foundation design, concrete materials, waterfront construction and waste stabilization. He has served as a consultant and expert witness, and has five years of engineering experience in industry. He is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society for Engineering Education, Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta Pi (the engineering honor society). He also serves as an ABET accreditation visitor for the American Society of Civil Engineers and as a member of the advisory board of The Hinckly Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management.
Educational Background
Ph.D. University of Massachusetts 1971
MSCE University of Massachusetts 1969
BSCE University of Maryland 1962
Professional Experience
Professional Affiliations:
Registered Professional Engineer, Florida
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society for Engineering Education
Chi Epsilon
Tau Beta Pi
Summary of Work History
1962 to 1969 Civil Engineer, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington, D.C.
1971 to 1975 Assistant Professor, Ocean Engineering Department, Florida Institute of Technology
1975 – 1975 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, University of Houston, Houston, TX
1975 – 1977 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Florida Institute of Technology
1978 Summer research assignment, Civil Engineer, U.S. Army, WES, Vicksburg, MS
1979 Summer research assignment, Ocean Engineer, Harbor Branch Foundation, Vero Bch, FL
1979-93 Associate Professor and Department Head, Civil Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology
1993-99 Director, Division of Engineering Sciences, (Mechanical, Civil, Chemical and Aerospace Engineering),
1999 – Present Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Dean of College of Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology
Selected Publications
Recent Articles in Non-refereed Journals or Books
Cosentino, P.J., Kalajian E. H., Montemayor T.A., Doig B., Horhota, D. J., (2011) “Strength-Deformation Properties of Florida’s Recycled Asphalt Pavement”. 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia PA.
Cosentino, P.J, Kalajian E.H., Messaoud, F., Sundaram, S., Misilo T.J and., Horhota, D.J., (2008) “Correlations between PENCEL Pressuremeter, Cone Penetrometer and Dilatometer Parameters” Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2053 Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2008 pp., 65-71.
Cosentino, P.J, Kalajian E.H., Sundaram, S., Misilo T.J and., Horhota, D.J., (2007) “Instrumenting the Pencel Pressuremeter Control Unit to Simplify Data Collection, Reduction and Analysis” Transportation Research Record: Soil Mechanics. pp. 41-48.
Cosentino, P.J. and E.H. Kalajian. 2001. Developing Specifications for Using Recycled Asphalt Pavements as Base, Subbase or General Fill Materials. Final report submitted to FDOT.
McDonald-Buller, E.C., I.W. Duedall, E.H. Kalajian and C.S. Shieh. 2000. Measurement and Stabilization of Waste-to-Energy Ash-Concrete Expansion in Seawater. Environmental Science and Technology 34 (15):3211-3216.
Pandeline, D.A., Cosentino, P.J., Kalajian E.H., and Chavez, M.F. 1997. "Shear and Deformation Characteristics of Municipal Waste Combustion Bottom Ash for Highway Applications," Transportation Research Record, No. 1577.
Grossman, B.G., P.J. Cosentino, E.H. Kalajian, G. Kumar, S. Doi and J. Verghese. 1994. "Fiber-Optic Pore Water Pressure Sensor Development "Transportation Research Record No. 1432: Soils, Geology and Foundations, Innovations in Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems.
Pandeline, D.A., P.J. Cosentino, E.H. Kalajian and M.F. Chavez. 1997. Shear and Deformation Characteristics of Municipal Waste Combustion Bottom Ash for Highway Applications. Transportation Research Record 1577.
Primavera, E.J., J.P. Pinelli and E.H. Kalajian. 1997. Tensile Behavior of Cast-in-Place and Undercut Anchors in High Strength Concrete. ACI Structures Journal 94:5.
Recent Research Reports
Cosentino, P. J., E. H. Kalajian. A. M. Bleakley, B. S. Diouf, T. J. Misilo III, A. J. Petersen, R. E. Krajcik, and A. M. Sajjadi. "Improving the Properties of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement for Roadway Base Applications", FDOT Final Report: Contract BDK81 Work Order 977-02, August, 2012
Cosentino, P.J., Kalajian, E. H., Misilo III, T. J., Chin-Fong, Y., Davis, K., Jarushi, F., Bleakley, A, (2010) “Design Phase Identification of High Pile Rebound Soils” FDOT Contract No. BDK 81 Work Order 977-01, Final Report.
Cosentino, P.J., Kalajian, E. H., Dikova, D., Patel, M., Sandin, C., (2008) “Investigating the Statewide Variability and Long-Term Strength Deformation Characteristics of RAP and RAP-Soil Mixtures” FDOT Contract No. BDB 09, Final Report.
Cosentino, P.J., Kalajian, E. H., Stansifer R., Anderson, J.B., Kattamuri, K., Sundaram, S., Messaoud, F., Misilo, T.J., and Cottingham, M.A., (2006) “Standardizing the Pressuremeter Test for Determining p-y Curves for Laterally Loaded Piles” Contract No. BD-658, Final Report submitted to FDOT.
Cosentino, P.J., Kalajian, E. H., Shieh C. S., Mathurin, W. J. K., Gomez, F. A., Cleary, E. D., Treeratrakoon, A., (2003) “Developing Specifications for Using Recycled Asphalt Pavement as Base, Subbase or General Fill Materials” FDOT Contract No. BC 819, Final Report.
Recognition & Awards
Walter M. Nunn Jr. Award for Teaching Excellence from the College of Engineering, 2005-06
Civil Engineering Advisory Council Outstanding Service Award, 2005
Engineer of the Year, ASCE, Cape Canaveral Branch, 1987-88
ASCE University of Houston Student Chapter Outstanding Professor, 1976
Letter of Recommendation for Kittinger Award for Teaching, University of Houston, 1976
U.S. Navy Southeast Asia Civil Service Award, 1966
Most Valuable Panther, Florida Institute of Technology
Current funded research projects include the identification of high pile rebound soils. and on instrumenting the pressuremeter for determining in-situ soil properties. He has directed research to develop specifications for applications of recycled materials as a highway fill material and has evaluated the effects of additives on the permeability of phosphogypsum for use as a capping material in the permanent closure of phosphogypsum stacks.
Dr. Kalajian’s research activities focus on geotechnical engineering and on the use of recycled materials for beneficial uses.